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FSB warns of Kiev’s activity in searching for perpetrators of terrorist attacks in Russia

MOSCOW, September 26. /TASS/. The Federal Security Service (FSB) has issued a warning about the activity of Kiev’s special services in recruiting perpetrators for terrorist attacks and sabotage in Russia, the FSB’s Public Relations Center (PRC) said, following the detention of six Russians, including three teenagers aged 15-17, in the Irkutsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and Samara regions for arson attacks on railway and communications infrastructure.
“The Federal Security Service of Russia once again alerts citizens that Ukraine’s intelligence services continue actively searching the Internet for potential perpetrators of terrorist attacks and sabotage to inflict economic damage on our country,” the PRC stated.
“The main target audiences for Ukrainian recruiters are the elderly and young people, particularly those with radical views, as well as minors and individuals with mental disorders, who lack basic legal knowledge and do not grasp the seriousness of their actions,” the FSB stated.
“We urge Russian citizens to remain vigilant and intolerant of such online provocations to avoid rash illegal actions that could lead to criminal liability,” the security service stated.
According to the FSB, the detainees in three regions carried out arson for rewards of 10,000-15,000 rubles ($110-160) and face charges under the article on terrorist attacks, as well as possible charges for state treason, which carry penalties ranging from 12 to 20 years in prison, and up to life imprisonment for adults.
